A Guide to Organize Outdoor Events Post Lockdown
Even though the world is easing up on lockdown restrictions, it in no way reflects the slow down of the actual coronavirus itself. In fact, through this ease, we can see in many cases across the States, that it has caused another sudden spike in the number of cases being reported. Unfortunately, as the lockdown eases, people assume that the virus is somehow not as contagious anymore, and they even ease up on precautions and safety measures.
This is not the way to re-enter into society safely, and could just mean another lockdown for your community. However, we need to realize that we cannot keep living life indoors, away from everyone; if public spaces are used with proper protocol, and have proper safety measures in place, there is no reason why you cannot successfully host an event while still keeping safety as your number one priority.
If you want to host an event safely, here’s what you need to do:
Step 1
The first thing you need to do is really evaluate the importance of having the event. If you feel like the event, be it work-related or otherwise, is truly important, then there are steps you can take to create the safest environment possible.
Once you have decided to have the event, you need to realize that the health and safety of everyone that is going to be invited to the event is your responsibility. First, limit your guest list to as few people as possible; the fewer the people, the lower the chance of someone being a carrier of the virus.
When you are choosing the location for the event, make sure you pick an outdoor space. Open spaces allow air to flow, which can limit the spread of the virus. Outdoor events will also give your guests more space to help maintain a proper six-foot distance between guests.
Step 2
Put strict guidelines in place for every attendee to follow, and enforce the guidelines once they have entered the event. While you are inviting guests, make sure to ask them about any possible symptoms that they might be showing, or if they have been in contact with anyone who may have been a carrier of the virus. If they have, make sure that they are not a part of the event to make it a safer environment for the rest of your guests.
You also want to take down all the contact details of your guests. This is a precautionary measure if a guest starts to exhibit signs of the virus after the event. It will then be your duty to inform all other guests to take necessary measures in their own environments.
Step 3
When you are setting up the event, you need to make sure there is enough space between the seating and the space is left as open as possible. Then, you need to equip the space with safety supplies.
Make sure there are enough tissues, masks, and gloves for all of your attendees. Next, you need to set up sanitizing and cleaning stations around the event. For cleaning hands and surfaces, you can get cardboard sanitizing wipe dispensers equipped with 70% alcohol-based wipes here. You also want to make sure you have sanitizing stations for hands, and encourage your guests to use them regularly throughout the event. If you purchase 2 pack 10-Liter 70% Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitizer Refills from Terraboost, you get a disposable cardboard dispenser for free, which is ideal for outdoor events.
Step 4
When guests start arriving at the event, make sure there is a system set up to check their temperatures and check for symptoms at the entrance. Unfortunately, any guests displaying any symptoms, or showing signs of the virus should immediately be sent home.
You should keep supplies like gloves, masks, and sanitizer stations at the event’s entrance and encourage guests to keep all equipment on throughout the event. Also, let guests know as they enter that they should maintain a distance from other guests. Teach your guests alternatives to handshaking, like touching elbows, and keeping a strict no-touching policy at the event.
If anyone feels symptoms after the event, they should get in touch with you, or any other event organizers as soon as possible so you can inform the other guests.
These steps seem extreme and make us feel like we are entering a warped version of reality. But the truth of the matter is, your safety should be your top priority. Taking these measures may seem like it will take away from you even, but in actuality, once your guests start mingling, even with a distance, and the event starts rolling, they forget that these measures are even a hindrance.
We hope these tips help you plan the best outdoor event, and you and your guests remain safe and healthy!